TED Optimus, a FinTech company, is here to debunk these 5 common investing misconceptions that stop you from achieving financial freedom and realising your life goals sooner.
由TED Optimus 主办、吉隆坡中华独立中学协办之 “个人和事业卓越的策略和秘诀” 公益线上讲座于4月9日及10日圆满举行。这为期两天的在线网络研讨会主题丰富多元,进而协助听众提高个人和事业领域知识,从而扩展个人视野。此次公益讲座共募集RM 30,000款项,全额款项已移交至本校作为联课活动中心建设资金。
Master your destiny. Be the captain of your ship. Preparation, courage and persistence will improve your financial success, he said in encouragement. Mak's illustrious career spans 23 years in the capital market, comprising 15 years with Bursa, four years with OCBC Bank and four years with Southern Bank.
At the end of the grand finals, team ‘Ted Optimus’ was crowned champion of this inaugural event, winning the RM20,000 cash prize for their proposed solution that focused on combining multiple sources of data and tailoring the information into a simple, trusted and accessible format to help retail investors make informed decisions.